Mama Accessories

Mama Accessories

Life around here has been extra heavy on the sweet and we aren't even mad about it. I plan to share all about our transition from 3 to 4, but so far, it's been the easiest one yet. Something about more & merrier?! 

It's not often that I get dressed up, or even dressed (lets be real) but there are a few things that are my current go-tos - my favorite mom accessories for right now. Eventually, I'd love to be carrying a beautiful leather bag and an "arm party" full of beautiful bangles, but life right now is pretty pared down and I've got my squad of accessories that are just enough

ONE — My apple watch is my lifeline at this point. Not only does it go with everything, but it does everything! When I'm nursing, running around with the kids, cooking dinner or out & about, I can quickly see my emails coming in, my text messages or even answer my phone if it's not on me. It keeps my hands free and keeps me from constantly scrolling on my phone. 

TWO — Made by Mary makes the most beautiful keepsake necklaces and this one is my newest - with mine & collin's wedding date. The zola disk is my other favorite with the kids initials. These necklaces are every day staples, beautifully made and totally work with every outfit. 

THREE — If you're a nursing mama, you totally need this. I usually read on my phone when I'm nursing, but it's too wide to hold with one hand comfortably. This little gadget sticks to the back of your phone case and acts as a little handle. I can't imagine not having one. It can also stand your phone up if you're watching something or propping up for a selfie (totally into those these days...#not)

FOUR (tassels + gold)— This is kind of strange, but a total mom hack for me. I can never find my keys in my diaper bag or my car, so I finally bought some large, bright keychains to attach. You guys - I can always find my keys when I need them. Plus, they're just so happy! 

FIVE — A cute phone case just makes me happy. And these ones have held up to a million phone drops thanks to Winnie Wilde. So there's that. 

SIX — This clutch is the perfect size to hold my phone and all of the contents that I'd normally shove in a wallet (cash, stamps, cards and a billion crinkled target receipts). I can even attach my keychain to the loop on the zipper and I'm a one-bag woman. I throw the whole thing in the diaper bag and it keeps everything so condensed. I had mine monogrammed in gold and I'm totally obsessed. (this coming from a girl who hates wallets and used to lose my credit or debit card far more often than I'd like to admit.)

I know this is nothing fancy, but with 4 kids, this is what I'm rocking. 

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