Christmas 2016 at the Hen House!

My favorite thing in the world is a house covered in Christmas, cheery and festive, cozy and glowing. Every year we vary things bit, add a handful of new decorations, pass on some from years before, and of course, add to our treasured Santa photo collection. Christmas time is nothing short of magical, just how it's intended to be, I presume.

A few things to note: 

1. Garland is impossible to keep alive. I'm on my 3rd set and I water those babies more diligently than I feed my kids. #alliwantforchristmasisafakegarlandthatlooksreal

2. I am in a constant struggle between a classic red & green christmas, complete with Pendleton plaids and wooly everything and the so fun & tempting pink, green & red that seems to have won over this year.

3. I can't stop buying ornaments. Send me to rehab, I'm out of control. 

Hope you enjoyed the little tour. We have all the rooms decorated, but "santa's workshop" on the dining room table (aka a mountain of shit that I haven't gotten around to wrapping/putting away/throwing out) totally cramps my style and ruins the rest of the photos. Maybe if you're lucky, I'll post it on my snapchat story. #you'rewelcome

Christmas Sugar Cookies!

A Very Bella Christmas!